Department of Automobile Engineering

Department of Automobile Engineering

Profile: The Department of Automobile Engineering was established in the year 2009 offering B.E  degree program in automobile engineering with a motive of imparting knowledge on modern automobile technologies. Industries need skilled, innovative experts in vehicle design and manufacturing of vehicles and their components. With this as a motive, the students are trained by qualified engineers who have worked in industries and have years of experience and knowledge in every field of automobile engineering. This course gains significance for those who are passionate about automobiles. 

Over the years, the department has developed excellent laboratory facilities with state of the art equipment. Students of the program are encouraged to participate in various competitions, such as SAE BAJA, EFFICYCLE, SUPRA, GOKART, etc. The students are motivated to develop new concepts, and also to build working systems related to automobiles in their final year projects. 

Students possessing a B.E.(Automobile Engineering) are eligible for specialization in Automobile  Engineering in addition to those in Mechanical Engineering at a PG level.

Courses Offered

B.E – Automobile Engineering

To demonstrate the department and its faculty member’s utmost commitment to accomplish the institute’s vision of providing the right ambience and environment to create engineers who will serve the needs and demands of the society.



The mission of the Automobile Engineering Department is to; 

» Provide exceptional training and guidance with highest level of care to students. Conduct innovative research and educate the future leaders with advanced skills in  the field of automobile engineering.

» Develop personality with positive attitude and robust moral values in students∙ Develop the intellectual strength of students and to guide them towards technical  advancements. 

PEO1: Attain successful career in automotive and ancillary industry that meets the needs of Indian and  multinational companies. 

PEO2: Synthesize data and technical concepts for an application of automotive design and work as  part of them in multidisciplinary projects. 

PEO3: Employ sound foundation in mathematical, scientific and engineering fundamentals necessary  to formulate, solve and analyse engineering problems to engage in higher studies or research.

PEO4: Engage in life-long learning and follow professional ethics and code of professional practice.

  1. Graduates will demonstrate strong basics in Mathematics, Science and Engineering  
  2. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and  interpret data.  
  3. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to design a system, component or process to meet the desired  needs within realistic constraints such as economical, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and  safety, manufacturability and sustainability.  
  4. Graduates will become familiar with modern engineering tools and analyse the problems within the domains of automobile engineering as members of multidisciplinary teams.  
  5. Graduates will acquire the capability to identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems related to automobile engineering.  
  6. Graduates will demonstrate an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility with reference to their career in the field of automobile engineering.  
  7. Graduates will be able to communicate effectively both verbally and non-verbally. 
  8. Graduates will be trained towards developing the impact of Automobile engineering in the global,  economical, environmental and societal contexts.  
  9. Graduates will be capable of understanding the value of life-long learning.  
  10. Graduates will demonstrate knowledge of contemporary issues focusing on the necessity to develop new material, design, and engineering practices in the field of automobile engineering.  
  11. Graduates will demonstrate the ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice in the field of automobile engineering.  
  12. Graduates will have a firm scientific, technological and communication base that would help them either to find the desired placement or to become an entrepreneur and explore the knowledge in their field.  
  13. Graduates will be capable of pursuing higher studies and research in inter-disciplinary and multi-disciplinary areas.

PSO 1: Graduates will have a strong research-based knowledge to design experiments, analyze and  interpret data for engineering solution and life-long learning, which may involve post-graduate  education as well as success in competitive exams. 

PSO 2: Graduates will demonstrate an ability to design, conduct and apply modern tools to interpret the


The students are provided value added courses in each semester to bridge the gap between academics  and industry, thereby, making them capable of doing projects in core domains.

  • Automotive air conditioning 
  • Modern automobile accessories 
  • Automotive aerodynamics 
  • Hydraulics and pneumatics systems 
  • Accident prevention, inspection and investigation


  • Engine Testing with Eddy Current Dynamometer
  • Data Acquisition System
  • Dual Fuel Engine Testing 
  • Exhaust Gas Analyzer 
  • Fuels and Lubricants Testing 
  • Computer-aided Wheel alignment rig
  • Fuel injection pump calibration rig 
  • Fuel and lubricant test equipments.

Teaching Learning Process

A continuous improvement approach of teaching and learning engages the learners with key processes,  modes of discussions and narratives of subjects so that they understand what constitutes quality and standards in particular domain. Several measures are adopted to acknowledge the importance of academic attainment. The major areas which enabled the improvement of quality teaching and learning involves adherence to academic calendar, pedagogical content knowledge, collaborative learning,  quality of laboratory experience. 

Bright students are encouraged with Rs.5000/- cash award and a certificate of merit if  he/she maintains 90% attendance and secure high marks in the university exams. Also, 10% of the student toppers, from each year, based on the university exam marks are awarded every academic year. 

If a student receives the award continuously from first year to final year, a special cash award of Rs.10,  000/- and a certificate of merit is given at the end of the course. Anna University rank holders are awarded with a cash prize of Rs.1000/- each. 

All the students are constantly motivated by the faculty members.

Activities are provided to structure the intellectual, social and emotional support to help the slow learners to move forward in their learning by conducting coaching classes after working hours. This is conducted in two groups. One, students having below 3 arrears and the other above 3 arrears and an individual faculty member is assigned to take care of these students. Counseling sessions are held to identify their difficulties and to help them build their confidence. Retest and home test are given to improve the student’s academic performance. The slow learners are identified based on their performance in the university examinations and they are given special attention by allotting them in separate classes. The students are then provided with adequate coaching to overcome difficulties and perform better in exams.

Active learners are encouraged by conducting extra-technical development courses by the industrial  experts, providing awareness. These courses help the students in leading them to participate in internship  programs, inviting project proposal, paper presentation and also help them take up roles as a coordinator,  organizer, committee head and volunteers in national level technical symposium, workshops and hands on training. The bright students are given special industry based training during vacations and beyond  working hours by the industry experts. With the help of the faculty members, the bright students are  motivated to solve aptitude questions and are also encouraged to take part in group discussion activities  beyond working hours. College provides funds for the selected teams to come up with innovative  projects. These are the steps taken by the department in improving the quality of teaching & learning  experience of students.

Mentoring System in the Department

Mentoring System: A new process has been established as ‘Mentoring System’. Each faculty will be the  mentor of a group of 20 students. Department faculties will continue to be mentors for the same group of  students till their graduation. 

Responsibilities: The mentor will perform the following functions. The list of course cannot be  exclusive. A mentor can always do more for the benefit of the students. 

  1. Meet the group of students weekly once. 
  2. Continuously monitor, counsel, guide and motivate the students in all academic matters. 3. Advise students regarding choice of electives, project, summer training etc. 
  3. Contact parents/guardians if situation demands e.g. academic irregularities, negative behavioural changes and interpersonal relations, detrimental activities etc. 
  4. Advise students in their career development/professional guidance. 
  5. Keep contact with the students even after their graduation. 
  6. Intimate HOD and suggest if any administrative action is called for.
  7. Maintain a detailed progressive record of the student (format attached). 9. Maintain a brief but clear record of all discussions with students. 

The college is emphasising importance towards enhancing the institutional ambience to better serve the  needs of an ever-changing and dynamic learning community. Effective mentoring begins with the  faculty and depends on the healthy relationship between the faculty and students. The department  assigns faculties (Mentors) for providing guidance for each year from admission till the graduation of  the same batch. The faculty advisors perform the following functions: 

  • To maintain personal details of the students including their address, contact numbers, overall  academic performance and progress. It will help the mentor in monitoring the academic growth of the  students. It will also help the college in tracer studies of the alumni. 
  • To advise the students regarding choice of electives, projects, summer training, etc.
  • To counsel and motivate the students in all academic matters-direct or indirect. 
  • To guide the students in taking up extra academic and professional activities for value addition  as a member of the society. 
  • To contact the parents / guardian of the students in case of their academic irregularities,  behavioural changes, etc, through the Head of the Department or college. 
  • To inform the Principal / Director of the College in matters of leave or absence, official  recommendation etc. 
  • To advise the students in matters of their career.

Department of Automobile Engineering
List of Faculty-2021

S.No Faculty Name Designation
1. Shanmugasundram A Prof
2. Ganesan R AP
3. Subramanian P M AP
4. Somasundram A AP
5. Karthikesavan J AP
6. Kumaresan V AP
7. Anbu T AP
8. Govindaraji S AP
9. Manimaran V AP

Campus Life


on 31.01.2020 in association with Petroleum Conservation Research Association




CHENNAI FROM 20/12/2017- 26/12/2017

Skill Development Training & Instructional Materials

S.No. Instructional Materials Mode Author Year
1 Engineering Drawing Video Dr. Edison Chandrasekaran 2014
2 Skill Development Manual Print Dr. G. Sankarnarayanan 2014

Laboratories Photos


Year Course
I YEAR Language Skills Development, Bridge Courses
II YEAR Placement Training, Skill Development Program
III YEAR Skill Development Program, Placement Readiness Training, Group discussion, Mock Interview, Presentation Skills, Verbal ability, Aptitude and Reasoning online practice tests, Campus Residential Program
IV YEAR Implant Training, Autotronics, Placement Training


Every year, our students participate in the National level Auto Expos and Designing competitions  BAJA – National level Automobile Technical Event 

EFFICYCLE – SAE India’s Go Green Hybrid Tricycle event 


The main objective of EDC is to motivate and create awareness among the students about  entrepreneurship option by conducting various programs like My Idea Program, Project Organization  Activities, and Paper presentation related to innovative thoughts and motivational lectures by successful  entrepreneurs.

Research & Development

S.No. Product Developed Year Guide Name of the students
1 Pro Strapless Helmet 2015 Mr. R. Ganesan Dhinesh M
2 Fuel Cell 2015 Dr. G. Sankaranarayanan Naresh K
Research Publications Patents Filed Professional Society Affiliations
12 4 2

Department Library

Number of Titles Number of Volumes Number of Project Reports
111 239 202

Student’s Achievements

TEAM HADES RACING participated in GO-KART conducted by the Punjab University.

In the year 2015, our students TEAM INFERNOS RACE CREW participated in the VIRTUAL-BAJA 2015 organized by SAEINDIA.

University Rank

S.No REG.NO NAME University Rank
1. 212412102008 DINESH. M 32nd rank, Year: 2017
2. 212413102039 SOORIYA NARAYANAN R 24th rank, Year: 2018
3. 212414102011 DINESH P 3rd rank, Year: 2019












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