Department of Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

About Department

The Department of Civil Engineering at Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology,  Chembarambakam was started in the year 2002 with an intake of 30 with the approval of AICTE and the  intake was increased to180 in the year 2011 along with 2 post graduate programs with an intake of 18  each. 

The department was accredited by NBA in the year (2016). Within a short period of time the department  has taken the concrete shape in carrying out the academic and non-curricular activities in an effective  way. The graduates of civil engineering program will implement optimum solutions for societal problems  using professional knowledge resulting in sustainable development of the construction industry and also  to analyze, solve, design and execute projects with the fundamental knowledge of Civil Engineering.

It has also been creating opportunities for pursuing postgraduate programs in reputed Indian and foreign  universities. The Department library has a collection of 206 books on various titles catering to the needs  of faculty and students. The civil engineering department has full-fledged labs for both under-graduate  and post graduate programme with excellent infrastructure facilities.

Courses Offered

Programmes run by the department are,

B.E Civil Engineering

M.E.  Construction Engineering and Management

M.E. Structural Engineering

To impart knowledge and excellence in civil engineering and technology with global perspectives to our students and to make them strong engineers to build our nation and fulfill the demands of Civil engineering in the society by playing a responsible role in the sense of self discipline, social responsibility and co-operative work attitude.



» To develop the students with a broad and complete education in fundamentals, applications, design and  execution, that equips them with necessary skills to become a successful professional engineers.

» To create a congenial environment for interaction among students, faculty and technical staff to facilitate  open thinking and learning process.

» To produce wholesome civil engineers to provide service for the wealth improvement of our nation.

» To provide advanced skills and knowledge of technologies in the research field and design areas of civil  engineering in the emerging world class state-of-the-art.

On completion of B.E (Civil Engineering) Degree Programme, the Engineering graduates will be able to:

  •  Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering in their specialization involving complex  engineering problems.
  • Analyze a problem, identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using basic fundamental principles  of mathematics and science. 
  • Design a system component or process to meet the desired needs and standards within realistic  constraints such as public health and safety, social and environmental considerations. 
  • Design and conduct experiments, as well as do research, analyze and interpret data and give clear  solutions. 
  • Use and learn the limitations involved in recent techniques, skills and modern engineering tools  necessary for engineering practice. 
  • Assess the local and global impact of engineering solutions on individuals, organization and society and  the consequent responsibilities relevant to their professional engineering practice. 
  • Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts  and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 
  • Understand the professional and ethical responsibilities and norms of engineering practice. Work with multi-disciplinary teams, involve in team activities and accomplish a common goal. 
  • Communicate effectively with the engineering community for presentation, documentation of reports  adopting the design standards. 
  • Understand engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member or  a leader in a team, to manage projects in multi-disciplinary environments. 
  • Solve contemporary issues and create advanced technologies to engage in lifelong learning in the  broadest scale. 
  • PSO 1: Graduates with proficiency in mathematics and physical science will excel in problem solving,  design, interpretation of experiments and operating as a team for the solution of various issues in the core  areas of civil engineering. 
  • PSO 2: The graduates of the program will be capable of operating effectively in a professional  environment by executing quality construction work applying modern tools and techniques. 
  • PSO 3: The graduates will achieve excellent managerial expertise and outstanding leadership to succeed  in position in civil engineering profession by lifelong learning and research in advanced areas & related  field.

Industry Interface

Campus Life

Department of Civil Engineering 1
Department of Civil Engineering


Faculty Development Program

Faculty Development Program on Reinforced  Concrete Elements


Student Stories

Department of Civil Engineering fv

Field Visit

Field Visit To Ultracon Structural Systems, Chennai

Department of Civil Engineering water-expo


Student had a one day Industrial Trip to Water Expo which was held in Trade Center under the guidance of 2 faculty member M.Kalaiselvi and Venkat Raman

Department of Civil Engineering iv


Industrial visit to TATA Homes, Kuthapakkam, Chennai and understanding Construction of Spanish flat system

Department of Civil Engineering reach-sky


Students of Civil Engineering taking part in the National Level Quiz program conducted by TATA

Department of Civil Engineering fb


Students’ visit to Matupetty dam-Kerala

Anna University Rank Holders

Department of Civil Engineering civil-rank


Alumni Testimonials


S.No Faculty Name Qualification Designation Email ID
1. Mr.N.S.SILAMBARASAN M.E., Assistant Professor
2. Mr.S.SASTHA ARUMUGA PANDI M.E., Assistant Professor
3. Mr.G.VASUDEVAN M.E., Assistant Professor
4. Ms.M.SUBBULAKSHMI M.E., Assistant Professor
5. Mrs.M.KALAISELVI M.E., Assistant Professor
6. Ms.G.JENITHA M.E., Assistant Professor
7. Mr.A.MUTHUKRISHNAN M.E., Assistant Professor
8. Ms.M.SHENBAGAVALLI M.E., Assistant Professor
9. Mrs.R.K.DIVYA M.E., Assistant Professor
10. Mr.P.THANGA KARTHICK M.Tech., Assistant Professor
11. Mr.S.VENKATARAMAN M.Tech., Assistant Professor
12. Ms.S.ILAKKIYA M.E., Teaching Assistant
13. Ms.S.GOMATHI M.E., Teaching Assistant
14. Mrs.AMALA VALSALAN M.Tech., Teaching Assistant
15. Mrs.G.SILPA M.Tech., Teaching Assistant

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